Athlete of the Year

Matthew Klassen

Athlete of the Year
Award Date
Jun 24, 2016
Glenboro School

“A” Boys & Overall Athlete of the Year:


Matthew Klassen of Glenboro School – plays volleyball, basketball, baseball, badminton and Track and Field.  He was a captain of his volleyball and basketball teams. He was a graduating all star for both volleyball and basketball, named MVP at basketball provincials and all-star at volleyball Provincials.  He was also named “A” player of the year at the Graduating Basketball All-Star game.  He is a member of the Glenboro choir, drama production and We Day and Youth in Philanthropy. He coached Grade 7 and 8 Volleyball and basketball and was a member of the student council, all while maintaining an academic average of 91%. He will be attending Brandon University in the fall.