Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Athlete of the Week

Elijah Revilla / Gia Nguyen

Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Athlete of the Week
Award Date
May 15, 2024
Collège Miles Macdonell Collegiate

The Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Athletes of the Week are Elijah Revilla & Gia Khang Nguyen of the Miles Macdonell Buckeyes badminton team.

The duo won gold in boys doubles at the MHSAA Provincial Badminton Championship. This capped off an extremely successful season where they won both tournaments they entered at Maples and Louis Riel. They also won the KPAC Championship which helped their school win the overall team banner.  Coach Michael Corrigan states "Elijah & Gia Khang were dedicated all season long and even took time to train together outside of school."

Both student athletes excel in the classroom as well with Revilla maintaining a 93% average and Nguyen averaging 82%.